Altura’s Managed Service contact center architects are specialists in designing complex call center infrastructures including self service applications, multi media and social media capabilities. We design in-application acceleration and work flow optimization strategies to enhance call center performance. Our convergence solutions group provides implementation and service support to call center customers throughout the United States.
Customer Assist Help Desk

Everyone needs a helping hand at one time or another. Altura’s team will assist you when you have a usability or software application-specific question. Give us a call at anytime and we’ll provide advice on best practices, clarify features and programming, or assistance where you need it. We have thousands of customers that trust Altura’s technical engineering and customer service people to be the knowledgeable, and responsive to keep your communications running smoothly.
People like to work with people they know and trust. We are experts at building trust over the years with our customers. We do what you say we will do for you over time. We specialize in experienced people who understand your system, are familiar with the history, and understand why things are the way they are. We provide you with a dedicated, experienced customer service team that takes the time to know your systems, network, staff and most importantly, your expectations. This familiarity and relationship generates fast and personalized service and each maintenance case is handled efficiently and effectively.