Altura offers you the ability to protect any IoT devices that are currently connected to your network with
Extreme Defender. Defender works with any current network deployments and does not require
changes to be made.
Extreme Networks Defender
- IoT is the new threat vector for cyberattacks
- Defender secures and protects medical and connected devices through policies and isolation
- Defender ensures secure on-boarding and moving of devices without network IT support
Examples How Defender Protects You

How Defender Works
- Automated authorization and set up of AP’s and Adapters via the ExtremeCloud Appliance
- IoT device’s MAC Address, IP address and or Hostname is entered in the Defender Application
- Devices are assigned to a Adapter or an AP and also assigned a profile
- IT Admin/security staff will create the profiles for the device groups
- Profile assignment and monitoring of an IoT device can be performed by non-technical staff
Secure End to End Zones to Isolate Groups of Devices