Tools for business collaboration have made knowledge transfer and communication the driving forces behind the midsize and small businesses of today. Operators of mid-market businesses need both internal and external... read more →
Imagine a hacker, comfortably sitting at home, miles away from you, decides to commandeer your vehicle. They turn on the cold air, turn the radio to some local station, and... read more →
Just over a month ago, the Apple Watch made its debut on the wearables market. Love it or hate it, there’s no doubt that it changes the market in terms... read more →
Voice over IP (VoIP) is just a phone call over the internet, right? Some describe VoIP as nothing more than an application that rides the data network. True, it is... read more →
As we discussed in a previous blog post, self-service support for customers is becoming increasingly more important. Not only do self-service options such as Knowledge Bases (KBs) and Frequently Asked... read more →
Rarely will a single business application do everything that you or your employees desire. There is always a balance you have to strike between cost, features, and usability. Users of... read more →